Looking for that perfect Butt Joint? Check out our Back Blocker Sites below to find out how.


drywall installation

The BUTTHANGER from FlatFast, Inc. is the ultimate answer to unsightly butt joints; the last real imperfection in drywall installation.

The BUTTHANGER creates a recess to lay your tape and compound in so that the finished joint is perfectly flat and smooth.

Invented, patented and manufactured by a drywall contractor with over 38 years experience in the business. Over 50,000 BUTTHANGERS have been installed over the past three years.


Butt Joint Problems
  1. Create a "bump" on the surface of the drywall;

  2. Are 24" or more wide;

  3. Have to be finished differently and separately than the flats (tapered edges);

  4. Take more time;

  5. Can only be done by experienced finishers;

  6. Show up when exposed to harsh light;

  7. Are attached to the framing and therefore can crack and/or ridge;

  8. Are a frequent cause of call backs;

  9. Use more mud;and

  10. Makes countertops and trim more difficult to install over the "hump" in the surface.

  1. Are perfectly flat and smooth;

  2. Are only 12" wide complete;

  3. Are finished with the same tools and methods as the flats, at the same time;

  4. Take less time to finish and sand;

  5. Can be done by less experienced finishers;

  6. Eliminate problems in critical lighting areas;

  7. Floats between framing, virtually elimiating crackking and ridging;

  8. Eliminate call-backs to "widen that joint";

  9. Use less joint compound;

  10. Create a perfectly flat finished surface; simplifying installation of counters, trim; crown molding, cabinets, etc.

You've Got Questions? We've got Answers!
Q: I have good finishers. Why do I need BUTTHANGERS

A: Because they provide you with a better finished product, and you can finish the job faster and easier. If you have good finishers you want to keep them; using BUTTHANGER will keep them happy!!

Q: Where can I use them?

A. They can be used anywhere, including walls and ceilings, with fiberglass insulation. The unique 3-bar design makes it possible to use them around diagonal joist bracing, pipes, etc. with no problem. All you need is a minimum of 1" clearancethe length of the butt joint (the thickness of the wood plus the depth of the joint). Therefore, they can not be used on block walls with furring strips or where there is solid blocking.

Q. Are they hard to install?

A. NO! They take no more time to install than it takes to screw your regular butt joint into the stud. The only additional time it he time it takes to grab one and put it behind your first board. In fact, many drywall hangers say the BUTTHANGER saves them time becuase they don't have to be so precise on their layout.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us! We'd be glad to hear from you!

Installation Instructions


WILCO TOOLS - Design By Graham Art Productions